

Automate and Amplify Thankster with Great Integrations

Click here for integration pricing plans. The pricing is great, and you pay only for the cards you send.

Use Zapier to connect Thankster to thousands of popular apps like Salesforce.com, and automatically send our handwritten cards using their triggers. Contact us if you need a hand.

Infusionsoft is a popular, powerful Marketing Automation and CRM platform that can supercharge Thankster. See the Infusionsoft Marketplace listing, or contact us about getting started.

Make.com logo

Use Make (formerly Integromat) to connect Thankster to lots of popular apps like Hubspot to automatically send our handwritten cards. Great pricing and value, including a robust free account. Contact us for more info.

Pabbly on Thankster

With Pabbly Connect you can connect thousands of integrations. It is an affordable solution with an easy to workflow builder and advanced multi-step workflows. And it works great withThankster!

Connecting your NationBuilder account with Thankster is simple with our integration! Create a template project and webhook at Thankster and you're almost done. Contact us for more info.

Shopify is the leading e-commerce platform for small and medium-sized businesses. Integrate your Shopify account with Thankster by searching and installing our app in your Shopify store, or by using our Zapier integration.

Sending your contacts handwritten cards is easy with a Google sheet. Contact us to help you get set up with one that you trigger manually or one that sends automatically (e.g., for birthdays).

Integrately logo

Integrately is a highly rated platform that allows you to easily connect their many apps without any coding skills. Check out their free and well-priced paid plans.