Chargify + Thankster + Zapier = Automatically send handwritten cards at just the right time

Chargify + Thankster + Zapier = Automatically send handwritten cards at just the right time

Using Zapier, Chargify users can now automatically send one of our handwritten cards whenever a certain event happens.  For example, they can have a handwritten card automatically generated and mailed whenever a new subscription or customer is added, or an end-user is invoiced for more than $X.

This is great for lead nurturing and automated marketing.  Chargify users, please contact us if interested.  If you use another payment system to receive payments (like Paypal or Braintree), or a CRM, check in with us to see if your tools are supported.  The Thankster Zapier app is currently available at

Visit the link below to request more information.

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