Zapier Release Notes: 15 New Apps, Folders for Your Zaps, and 3 Ways to Say Thanks
Zapier Release Notes: 15 New Apps, Folders for Your Zaps, and 3 Ways to Say Thanks We were featured in The Zapier Monthly. Take a look! is giving Virtual Assistants a little virtual assistance
Offers Easier way to write cards for your clients, and serves as a lead nurturing tool for VAs As a virtual assistant I’m sure you’ve come to realize that any and every task can be outsourced. Has your client ever asked you to write thank you cards or personalized notes on their behalf? Or […]
Thankster + Zapier = New * Old
By Alison Groves, Zapier A handwritten note. Something that was left by the wayside with the arrival of email, social media, and other online communication tools. But there’s something special about receiving a note in the mail; it’s more powerful because it’s such a rare occurreance. You feel appreciated, and you’ll remember and think fondly […]
Thankster Now Integrates with…Almost Everything. Thanks to
We’re thrilled that Zapier has today announced global support for Thankster, and that we are now live on Starting today, you can use Zapier to connect Thanskter to hundreds of leading web apps – without writing a single line of code. About Zapier Zapier, a web automation platform, allows you to easily connect Thankster […]
Chargify + Thankster + Zapier = Automatically send handwritten cards at just the right time
Using Zapier, Chargify users can now automatically send one of our handwritten cards whenever a certain event happens. For example, they can have a handwritten card automatically generated and mailed whenever a new subscription or customer is added, or an end-user is invoiced for more than $X. This is great for lead nurturing and automated […]
Thankster Announces
Thankster is pleased to announce the arrival of We created HappyDonors because sending personalized, handwritten correspondence can be critical for non-profits. It creates goodwill with donors and prospective donors. But because it is laborious to do, it is often neglected. HappyDonors organizations are able to touch more of their donors, with more personalized sentiment, […]
The Gift of Thanking
TD Bank branches in Canada surprised their customers last week with their ATM Machines. You would wonder how an ATM can surprise fellow customers. Well, these ATMs are not the regular Automated Teller Machines, rather they are “Automated Thanking Machines.” Instead of customers withdrawing money from their bank accounts, they were in for a treat. They […]
Thank you
Dankie, shukran, ta, do jeh, xie xie, merci, danke, grazie, and gracias are just a few different ways of saying thank you in different languages. Just goes to show we can all have different ways of saying the same thing or showing different emotions. What are some ways that you say thank you?
Our handwriting font which also can be your handwriting! check out for details.